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FS Tracking Times Update

Sharing God's Love One Hoof at a Time!

How Great Thou Art!
We are so grateful to those who come to enjoy time with God's creations and we hope you feel peace as you relax in the presence of His amazing work! Thank you to all those who have come to our events and fundraisers - your support is appreciated!
We will continue to update our event pictures for all to enjoy.

Make sure to keep scrolling below!

Zentner Kids
Saddel Family
Wolf Family
Whitemore Girls
Nyce Family
Munn Family
Grant Baby
Brown Family
Hackman Family
Baker Family
Awad Family
Anneline wih Fam
Tonka & Jesus Banner
Snow Backdrop
Photo Shoot Mirror
Mountain View
Candy Scavenger Location
Visiting Winston
Kids Finding Candy
Family Finding Candy
Candy Scavenger Location 2
Eme in Costume
Petting Goats
Mia with Tonka
August 2024 Mini Camp  Group Photo - August 11th
August Mini_2024 Goats with kids
August Mini_2024 Houdini_Kids
August Camp Sparrow_Houdini
Bible Study August Camp
August Mini_2024 Cat with Kids
July Camp_Grooming Winston
July Camp_Game
July Camp Fun
July Camp Fun 2
Kids Riding Tonka July Camp
Playing Games
Group Shot
Game in Roundpen
Kids Crafts
Rein Game
Grooming Winston
Stone Craft
Kids w_Goats
Kids on Swing
Face Painting
Matthew with Kitten
Herrlin Girls
Kids with Kittens
Registration Team
Easter Play
Egg Hunt 1
Egg Hunt 2

Past Events

Praise be to God!

Lots of Fun, Laughter, and Joy - Check it Out!!


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4th Annual Fall Photo Shoot
- 11/02/2024

Using God's creations all around us to bless many with beautiful photos. We're grateful for everyone who helped serve at this event to make it all possible. To allow many an opportunity to afford gorgeous photos that will last a lifetime! After each photo shoot, there was food, games, and crafts for more family fun!

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2nd Annual Scavenger Hunt

We enjoyed bringing back light to this holiday! There was a bible verse scramble hunt with candy at each group of words found, an animal scavenger hunt to see how many you could find on the farm, and a game of riddles to solve and find the item! Lots of prizes won for each game completed. It was truly joyful watching all the kids running to find the hidden buckets of candy and finish the games to win prizes. Friends were made, laughter abound, and smiles galore! Praise God!

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Campfire Appreciation Night
- 09/28/2024

With many thanks to Marty Wolfe for bringing the music to Praise Our Lord! A Night filled with amazing songs of worship, food to enjoy, fellowship, and hot cocoa! This event brings such an overflowing presence of Joy! Watching the kids worship, run and have fun was heartwarming! We look forward to this peaceful night every year!

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Camps > June/July/August

We just love the wonderful campers who join us for our weeklong & mini-camps! Watching the kids worship and seeing them participate in bible study is heartwarming! They Learned about horse care and riding, played games, made crafts, and enjoyed water fun to cool off! Can't Wait for Next Year!! So Many New and Fun Things to Come!

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Open House - 05/18/2024

A day to get to know Furever Serving and all the programs we have to offer. We enjoyed getting to know new families and had a fun day with everyone! Games, face painting, kittens galore, food, and drinks. Thank you to all who came!

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3rd Annual Easter Egg Hunt - 03/23/2024

Christ has Risen! An amazing day filled with a play on Jesus' resurrection, easter egg hunt, pony rides, petting zoo, food, and drinks. Over 1200 eggs hidden and lots of candy to enjoy! Spent time watching all the kids having fun, getting to chat with parents, and sipping down some HOT COFFEE & COCOA!

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Rocking Jesus!

The heart continues to grow in love, hope, joy, and strength in Jesus here at Furever Serving! We have large rocks that came from building our riding area and it reminds us that "Jesus is our rock!". We love reading the words and seeing the pictures placed on the rock from those who share what Jesus is doing for them! Come and see what Jesus can do in your heart and read what others have shared.

(267) 992-7496

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